WEBNARS Career Guidance - Free Q&A

Webinar conducted

Career Guidance - Free Q&A

10 Feb 2024, 10:20 AM

Zoom Meeting


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Career Guidance Q&A with Industry Experts to help you identify the correct career path to ensure success at the chosen job role.


Session Highlights:

> Exposure to various IT & Management career paths in IT industry

> Interactions with Industry Experts to help choose right career path



Tushar Topale, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Cloud Counselage Pvt. Ltd. (LinkedIn: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tushartopale/)


INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA COMMUNITY (IAC) is an initiative to BRIDGE the ever-widening INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA GAP, helping students PAN India get JOB-READY, IN TIME!


100,000+ Students, Freshers, & Professionals are members of the Industry-Academia Community (IAC)


This is a noble initiative by Cloud Counselage Pvt. Ltd.; an IT & Management consulting company with a Social Cause at heart. IAC is also in association with Gift-A-Career Foundation (NGO). This initiative would also help BUILD MASSIVE YOUNG WORKFORCE CAPACITIES PAN INDIA for the NEW INDIA!


We look forward to the active participation of all college faculty members and all students (from all academic years) in IAC to avail of all 12 COMMUNITY BENEFITS for FREE:

1. Industry Exposure Workshop

2. Career Vision

3. Career Guidance

4. Industry Training & Certification

5. Online/Remote Internship Program

6. Industry Visit

7. CV & Interview Preparation

8. Professional & Soft Skills Workshop

9. Career Assessment & Planning

10. Hackathon

11. Job Placement

12. Entrepreneurship Program

What you will learn

Exposure to IT & Management career paths

Exposure to various IT & Management career paths in IT industry

Interactions with Industry Experts

Interactions with Industry Experts to help choose the right career path


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